Saturday Silliness

There are three actors who I think could play sisters and I always like their work. So I proposed on twitter today that they should all be in a show together. Missy Peregrym (Reaper, Rookie Blue), Amy Jo Johnson (Flashpoint, Felicity) and Marla Sokoloff (The Practice). Out of these three the only ongoing employment seems to be Johnson in Flashpoint. I don’t see Rookie Blue lasting more than the summer and Sokoloff stays active but hasn’t been a regular on a series for a while.

I think they should play sisters that run a catering business together. But wait. It is the year 2100 and the catering business is a front for their real work. They fight supernatural crime. Ok, I’ve lost half of you. Too bad, this is my make-believe.

TV needs more shows that have female leads and are all badass with the ass kicking and all. Plenty of shows have female leads but none on network TV have women leads who vanquish their foe on a regular basis. Especially none with a genre bent. Where are the Buffys? The Aliases? The Dark Angels, Tru Callings, Charmeds, Birds of Preys? Charlies Angels? Wonder Woman, Bionic Woman? What happened to these shows? Did people stop writing and pitching them? Did the networks stop greenlighting them? There are plenty of women watching TV. Way more women than men. Why are all the heroes men?

I love a lot of the TV that is on today, but there are very few shows that make me say, “Hell yeah! Kick his ass, Buffy/Sydney/Diana/Cameron!” We can get that feeling in small doses from Mary on In Plain Sight, Fiona on Burn Notice, Olivia on Fringe, Sarah on Chuck, and Myka on Warehouse 13. Hopefully we will get more from Covert Affairs and Haven next month and Nikita in the fall. I still want more. I want a show with kick ass female leads that have whole interesting lives that include relationships with men/women/family whatever and can solve the crime, track the fugitive, and take out the bad guy while wearing a pair of louboutins. Unrealistic? Hell yeah.

Is Mark Valley’s character on Human Target unrealistic? Jeffrey Donovan’s on Burn Notice, Matt Smith’s on Doctor Who? They are all ridiculous of course, but there should be an equal amount of women (or really even more) being just as ridiculous. We need to give women (and more importantly girls and young women) something other than Gossip Girl, and that despicable Twilight brainwashing cancerous crap to aspire to.

(Aside: Don’t anyone dare try to defend that horrible misogynistic Mormon propaganda disease to me that is harming every young girl exposed to it. I’d rather my nieces be given handguns and unlimited porn than see/read that offal. All vampire/supernatural fiction is not created equal. Some of it makes women and humans see beyond our limitations while some makes them desire to limit themselves and subject themselves to abuse and self-hatred/degradation.) Twi-crap rant over.

Just so you know, I’m not stating this as some sort of feminist screed. I find most feminist rants to be poorly thought out, overwrought, manhating, on thin ice and terribly terribly boring. Trust me, I’ve read so many feminist-ish (or at least they think they are) rants being a Whedon fan that my gag reflex starts before I click the link at this point. I adore men and I adore men shooting guns, beating each other up, and being topless (and bottomless) on many (and many more) TV shows. Thank you to all who are responsible for Spartacus, True Blood, and Justified for the generous portions of man candy.  I just want more ass kicking female leads on TV shows. I want more women to aspirationally (is that a word?) identify with.

Now to show my true colors and be really shallow, let’s cast the love interests. I figure one sister is married, one dating, and one in a new relationship. Sexual orientation for any of the three is up for discussion. I figure at least one should be lesbian. Not bisexual though. Lesbian. We aren’t going for male titillation here, just realism.

Additional regular to recurring casting suggested by me and on twitter (please add yours in the comments. Should be available actors that aren’t currently working on current series):

Significant others: Josh Holloway, Adrian Pasdar, Gina Torres, Seth Gabel, Glenn Fitzgerald, Lee Pace, Enver Gjokaj, Joe Flanigan, Felicia Day, Kandyse McClure

Clients/Bad guys/Random dates that turn into clients or Bad guys: Jewel Staite, Sean Maher, David Hewlett, Katee Sackoff, Fran Kranz, Tahmoh Penikett,  Rachel Luttrell, Paul McGillion, Dichen Lachman, Miracle Laurie, Mark Shepard, Tricia Helfer, Jamie Bamber, James Callis, Wil Wheaton, Aaron Douglas, Claudia Black, Ben Browder

Who should be the totally awesome parents of these girls? Let me know.

3 thoughts on “Saturday Silliness

  1. cabri

    Helen Mirren and Bruce Willis. (Yes, as we all know, “Red” is coming out soon 😉

    Christine Baranski and Victor Garber.

    Raquel Welch and Alex Baldwin.

    All depends on how old your girls are.

  2. kalilily

    Yes, do I ever agree. Actually Gina Torres is in “Suits.” And your idea of putting look-alikes (Missy Peregrym, Amy Jo Johnson, and Marla Sokoloff) together as a sister team could be a good one. (Didn’t I see something somewhere about a reboot of Charley’s Angels coming out in the fall?) Of course, as an “elder” tv-watcher, I wouldn’t mind more Kathy Bates/Harry-type characters, including ones who could kick some ass (yes, like Helen Mirren, Christine Barnaski, or Raquel Welch — with wisdom, wiles, and wickedness, as well as karate chops).

  3. samatwitch

    I don’t know how I missed this originally but it’s still valid and I agree wholeheartedly. I think you should pitch that story idea somewhere. ;=)

    And to bring this up to date – I’m looking forward to many of the new shows you mentioned. If even half of them live up to my expectations, I’ll be fully booked! Hopefully I will be getting a PVR andtime-shifting digital channels.


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